Completely getting rid of technical debt may not be possible as new software systems and features will always be added over time and the codebase will continue to evolve and become more complex. Additionally, some degree of technical debt is often unavoidable as it can be a necessary trade-off to meet immediate business needs or to deliver new features quickly.
However, it is possible to minimize the impact of technical debt by managing it effectively. This can be done by continuously monitoring and measuring the costs associated with maintaining and updating the codebase, and by regularly refactoring and updating the code to improve its maintainability and scalability.
It's important to note that technical debt is a natural part of software development and it's not always negative. Well-managed and controlled technical debt can be beneficial for a company, as it allows them to quickly and efficiently deliver new features and respond to changing business needs. On the other hand, if technical debt is not managed effectively it can become a significant burden on the organization, leading to increased costs and delays in delivering new features.